Нощувка под открито небе


Оценка: 1

Нощувката под открито небе представлява организирано събитие за ентусиасти, желаещи да се отдадат на природата по един необичаен начин. В забързаното ежедневие все по-рядко и все по-трудно успяваме да се докоснем до нашето естествено обитание - природата. Затова се предлага този авантюристичен начин да пречупим себе си, да преборим страховете си и да се слеем с другото си, малко позабравено аз - природата в нас.

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Balkan Trips


Оценка: 1

The Idea suggests the design and organization of adventure tours based on the historial and natural heritage of the Balkans. The Company shall be registered as a touroperator in one (or more) of the countries and shall offer various sport and adventure activities.

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Как да създадем идея


Оценка: 1

Създайте своята идея. Дайте име на идеята си Опишете с 4-5 изречения идеята си. Изберете подходяща категория и посочете кой е собственик на идеята!

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Cultural Trips


Оценка: 1

Cultural trips based on cultural intangible heritage. Our tour operator will provide unique experience for those who would like to revive the traditions and less-popular festivals in Bulgaria, Greece, Albania and North Macedonia. Based on the common traditions (stories, songs), but yet divided from the variety of festivals and events.

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Hotels with services for disabled people


Оценка: 1

This business wants to help people with disabilities and their families to spend as many days as they want in an environment that combines modern facilities and experienced staff specialised in the care of these people, meals every time during the day lots of activities for adults and for children. We would also want to point out that their rooms will be at the same building with individuals with no disabilities, so that they do not feel different from the others.

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History Translate

ИТ приложения

Оценка: 1

The basis of my idea is to develop an app that will translate into foreign languages the parts of tourist guides dedicated to the monuments and the history of a place. The innovation here is on the translation services that will be accurate and withouth grammatical or syntaxis mistakes as the app will use the correct terminology, meaning it will use the international definitions and names of monuments, historica figures, etc

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Local Meal Planning Guide


Оценка: 1

I am thinking to create a website and application for tourist so they can plan in advance their meals at local restaurants and bars while they are on holidays in a place different than their home. What I think is the innovation here is that they will have a good insight of the local cuisine and they can plan their daily meals and make reservation before arriving to their holiday place

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Clothing Company for Sports Leisure

ИТ приложения

Оценка: 1

Online store setup. Digital marketing. More people are working out and staying fit. As they’re doing that, they’re realising that athletic clothing is actually quite comfortable too

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On line virtual tourist assistant

Нови технологии

Оценка: 1

my idea is to set up an app that will actually be a virtual assistant for tourist while they are in a foreign country or in a place other than their home. This assistant will provide information regarding tourism attractions, what places to visit, where to go and eat, bars, drinks, and also emergency infomration like ER hospitals, police numbers, etc

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Your Pet Assistant


Оценка: 1

Some tourist prefer to take with them also their pets while they are on holidays and not leave them at home. So, I my business idea is to be their "Pet Assistant" as even animals have needs while on holidays. These needs include food, medication, vet, beauty services for pets, excersice services for pets, etc. With a website and an app this services can be offered to tourist to the place they visit for holidays.

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Оценка: 1

Apitourism is a form of tourism connected with beekeeping as a traditional profession and with bee products in ecological, food and medicinal aspects. The tourists will be able to to strenghten their immune system by inhaling the air from beehives - Apitherapy. They will have the opportunity to see the concepts of a beekeeper's job. They will be able to dress up with protective beekeeper's clothing and walk around the beehives and see them up-close. The beekeeper who makes the tours will explain how bees are working. He/she will give them hands-on experiences. The tourists will learn a lot about the bees who are so important for the nature. They will taste real honey straight out of the honeycomb. They will taste local cuisine (from our restaurant with a bee theme) and experience the hospitality of the locals. Another plus is that I, myself, am a beekeeper.

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Via Balcanica Tours


Оценка: 1

Via Balcanica will organize tours along the many ancient Roman roads on the Balkans, showcasing the Peninsula's intriguing history, breath-taking nature, unique cultures, and amazing food. We'll rely both on millennia-old traditions and the latest technology to ensure a mesmerizing experience for our guests and a benefit to our local communities.

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